
ATLASrift is a VR experience enabling you to visit ATLAS experiment area (Point 1), learn about its mission, its sub-detectors, see real events. Made for Oculus Rift.

Code dropbox

Here you may find all kind of libraries, sources, plots. Some of it is used directly from this place.


FAX Status Board. All the important FAX status information at one place. Shows rates between sites and full cost matrix. Powered by Google Application Engine.

ADC analytics dashboards

A kibana based frontend to ATLAS ADC analytics platform.

Old projects

Full Dress Rehearsal

A web interface to submit jobs reading and copying from different sites to different analy_queues using FAX.

HC IO tests

To evaluate physics data analysis performance on all of the Tiers-of-ATLAS sites a set of tests is continuously submitted using GANGA. Here one may find results of the tests.

WAN IO tests

A set of xrootd federated ATLAS sites are continuously tested from multiple HC distributed jobs in order to measure and improve WAN performance in different data access patterns. Results of the tests are used by PANDA to optimize job submission and shown at SSB. Raw data can be found here.

Persistent Data Model

Explore the data structure of officially produced ATLAS data and its changes in time.

MC event size

Results of the daily measurements of objects in different categories. Referent files are produced in RTT jobs.

IO Performance

Results of automatic IO performance tests of different ATLAS data formats. Tests are performed nightly in a fully controlled environment.

DPM IO tests

HC based tests are used to measure performance of DPM sites. These are DPM specific local access tests.